Your FY3 Year: The Adventure Starts Here!
So, what does FY3 mean?
After working extremely hard at university for five years and then going straight into two years of foundation training, you’re bound to feel that you need a break – and you’re not the only one!
The F2 Career Destinations Report 2018 revealed that only 37% of trainees went directly into specialty training. To compare this to 2017, when 42% of trainees did and in 2016, when 50% did – there’s definitely a trend to sit back, take a break and have some well-deserved R&R time.
What to do during an FY3 year?
Once you’ve decided to take a break from training, you may start to feel both excitement and relief. But what should you do? An FY3 year can feel like a long time and so, we want to provide you with some suggestions to fill your time. As a doctor, you’re used to a very hectic life, but the opportunities for this year are endless…
Earn money!
Studying for five years straight and then training for another two would have left very little time to be employed and save up some money.
The NHS currently has over 10,000 doctor vacancies and with demand expected to surge with the resumption of normal post-Covid services. This means you’ll have endless opportunities across the whole country to gain vital experience, help people in need of treatment and extra cash!
Deciding to work as a locum professional will earn you more money than working as a trainee and you of course, you’ll also have the flexibility in choosing which area of the UK you work in, which hospital, which departments and your own shift patterns.
Remember, time spent as a locum doctor won’t count towards a training programme.
The money saved this year could go towards buying your first home, a shiny new car, a well-deserved luxury holiday or to treat your family members as a thank you for their support over the years! If you’re interested in a locum role, see our page about us as a locum doctor agency.
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An opportunity to gain a range of experience!
During your foundation years, you would have experienced six different jobs and specialties – so, you are either left thinking… how do I choose which one to specialise in? Or…, what other specialties are out there?
Taking a year out to continue to explore your interests and passions will buy you that extra time before settling on a specialty and applying for a training post. If you decide on your chosen specialty early on in your FY3 year, you can focus all of your locum work, showing dedication, motivation and passion within your training post application.
Pursue other interests
As a doctor, you’ll most likely have a passion for studying medicine, caring for patients and changing lives. However, it’s absolutely essential to take time out to focus on yourself and other interests you may have in order for you to power through and continuously care for others.
Until now, your hectic schedule may have meant you were unable to expand your own horizons; like learning to play the piano, try videography, join a book club or go rock climbing. A year out can provide you with the most valuable thing, time! So, make the most of it by trying something new, or enjoy spending doing something that makes you feel happy and content.
Go travelling
It’s human nature to get so caught up in our daily lives that sometimes by staying in one place, we may do ourselves more harm than good. Why not use this opportunity to take a step back, take a deep breath and explore the world around you?
The world is a big place, so travelling around the world has can come with some huge benefits; including receiving a deeper understanding of other cultures, the ability to create life-long memories, the opportunity to expand your social network and trying incredible and unique foods.
If you’re a Junior/Resident Doctor who has decided that taking an FY3 year is the best option for you, ID Medical can help secure you a range of flexible roles to suit your gap year needs. ID Medical work with 95% of NHS Trusts, helping international Junior Doctors and nurses secure their dream NHS post. We guarantee all our candidates:
- Your own dedicated Account Manager
- Access to a variety of roles across the UK
- Singular compliance file
- Flexibility in approach to work
- Pay roll tracking and timesheet support
- 24/7, 365-Support