Apr 20, 2020

Why the NHS Needs International Doctors Now More Than Ever

International Doctors have always been a vital part of providing outstanding patient care for the NHS. However, with Covid 19 abating and trusts looking to resume ‘normal operations’, they’re going to be needed more than ever… It is global knowledge that the NHS offers some of the highest-quality, most efficient and most accessible healthcare systems. […]

Mar 27, 2020

Meeting the Covid 19 Threat Head On

The Covid 19 pandemic is placing an unprecedented strain on businesses, people and communities alike.  As a market leader in medical staffing solutions and a key contributor and a key contributor to the UK’s health and social care supply chain, we have had to rapidly evolve to continue supporting and meeting the demands of the […]

May 29, 2020

How to Offer Vital Mental Health Support to NHS Colleagues

Doctors and nurses, just like everyone else are vulnerable to mental health illnesses and need mental health support. Medical professionals experiencing emotional and psychological health problems often find significant barriers to seeking help, particularly when their sole duty is to care for others. The Covid 19 pandemic has meant medical professionals are working well beyond […]