May 5, 2020

How to Apply for Medical Jobs in the UK

If you’re an international doctor or nurse and you have got to stage where you want to apply for medical jobs here in the UK, a very big Congratulations to you! You’ve worked extremely hard and you’ll soon start seeing results from your hard work. In this blog post, we explain the various resources you […]

Jul 7, 2020

Frequently Asked NHS Interview Questions

Got an NHS interview on the horizon? Great! We’re here to help you feel a little bit more prepared by providing you with a full list of frequently asked NHS interview questions here in our latest blog. With over 18 years’ experience within medical recruitment and more specifically, the knowledge of the structure and content […]

Jul 1, 2020

A Guide to Renting a House in the UK

As an international doctor or nurse, it’s most likely that you’re going to be unfamiliar with how the UK housing market works, so in this blog post we provide you with the five-steps to renting a house in the UK. Before we start though, it’s important to note that due to UK law, you cannot […]

Jul 2, 2020

5 Crucial Factors to Consider When Outsourcing Healthcare

The post-Covid 19 landscape is already looming on the horizon; and it’s looking increasingly likely that the NHS will have to rely on outsourcing healthcare services in order to keep pace with additional demand on its services. Of course, the NHS has always been under an immense amount of pressure with over 100,000 vacancies and […]

May 15, 2020

UK Tax System: A Doctor’s Definitive Guide

Tax doesn’t have to be taxing! In our latest blog, we’ll be taking a look at the UK tax system and how it affects medical professionals such as Doctors. What is tax? Tax is a financial charge or deduction from something you earn, own or an additional cost to something you buy. Typically, governments collect […]

May 6, 2020

Our Top Tips for Helping Manage Feelings of Anxiety

It’s totally natural to have feelings of anxiety right now. With Covid 19 putting the entire healthcare system under enormous pressures, every single healthcare professional is having to deal with hugely stressful situations every single day.   This ongoing stress couldn’t have come at a worse time, either. With social distancing measures in place and […]